Your donation will help support where the greatest needs are in our organization, including but not limited to:
- Subsidize Member Enrollment through Financial Assistance Program
- Service and Leadership Program Curriculum and Toolkits for Members
- Member and Nonprofit Outreach
- Researching and Cultivating Age-Appropriate Volunteer Opportunities for Members
- Technology Development and Maintenance (Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders Member Portal and Mobile App)
- Training Materials and Online Courses for Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders Members and Adult Volunteers
- Welcome Packet Production and Delivery (Member T-Shirts)
- Adult Volunteer Background Checks
- Educator Outreach and Toolkits for School Counselors
- Member Awards Processing and Event Support
If you have a specific focus area you are interested in supporting, send us an email with your order number and what area you want your donation to support! To make a tax-deductible donation to Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders by giving securely online below or mail a check to: Lion’s Heart Teen Volunteers and Leaders 5753 Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Ste-G #195 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807

Yes, Lion's Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders is a registered tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code. Federal tax regulations state that any donations to Lion's Heart are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. Lion's Heart _ Teen Volunteers and Leaders Federal Tax ID number is 26-2781977. If you have a current username and password on the Lion's Heart Teen Volunteers and Leaders website, the IRS determination letter can be found under "Documents." Donations cannot be refunded.
Facebook Fundraiser
Donate your birthday, celebrate a holiday, or simply show your support for empowered teens making a difference by starting a fundraiser on Facebook for Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders. Set a goal and invite friends to make a tax-deductible gift. Your support helps us to continue developing service and leadership programs that help teens achieve their volunteer goals! Login to your Facebook account and click “Raise Money” to get started.
Employer Matching Gift
Your employer may match your donation to Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders, doubling your impact. Check with your Human Resources team to see if your organization has a policy of matching employee charitable gifts and/or volunteer hours.
Create your legacy by including Lion’s Heart - Teen Volunteers and Leaders in your will or trust. Make a difference in the life of a young person! We encourage you to work with an attorney or estate planning professional on a plan to meet your needs. You can establish a new will or trust or amend your existing document.
Online gifts will receive an email receipt upon completion of the online transaction. Those who mail in their donation can expect a printed receipt within 1 week, once processed by our office.In-kind donations are accepted on an as-needed basis. Contact us to learn more.
With your support, Lion's Heart Teen Volunteers and Leaders continues to motivate teens to volunteer in their communities and make hundreds of positive impacts as empowered leaders.
Thank you for your gift!
*Lion’s Heart Teen Volunteers and Leaders is not affiliated with or related to The Lionheart Life Center, the Lionheart School, or any associated programs or organizations.